Monday, June 15, 2009

Two years down, one to go!

So I finished my second year back in school after getting out of the Navy. I still have another year left before I get that piece of paper. The good news is that I'll be done full time this December. After that, I either need to find a job that'll let me take one class per quarter or a paid internship. I don't know how likely either one is with the economy these days, but I'm hopeful.

Anyway, now I'm off through the end of September, which is awesome. I need a job, but I can't really start working until August because of all my travel plans. I'm going to visit my friend Jeremiah in Michigan over the 4th of July weekend. Michigan is one of the few states I haven't been to yet, and I'm excited. He lives in Traverse City, which is on the northern part of the lower peninsula. There are a bunch of lighthouses in the area, and I love me some lighthouses! :-)

On July 15th, I'll be basking in the Hawaiian sunshine! I'm spending about a week on Oahu before I sail back on the USS Comstock with my best friend Jen. The ship is coming back off a deployment, and the sailors can have non-significant-others on board for the last leg of the journey. I'm so excited, mostly because I miss Jen so much. I really need to work on my suntan before I get out there! It's been a little over 2 years since I left the island, and I'm excited to go back as a civilian.

We're supposed to arrive back in San Diego August 1st, and then hopefully I'll be heading to the east coast soon after that, for my dad and step-mom's 20th anniversary. Hopefully my presence will be a surprise. I still need to get with my step-brothers and figure it all out, but I'm looking forward to it. I don't get to see my dad nearly enough. He's such a great guy, and I wish he lived closer. I love spending time at his place out in Maine. It's unbelieveably relaxing. I could live that life pretty easily, I think. Simple, quiet, nice.

So that's the next couple months of my life. Add in three runs a week with Jamie, painting and cleaning the apartment, learning how to surf, some quality beach time, and my Reserve drill weekends, and I'll actually be pretty busy! Plus, I really want to make it up to Washington to see Shannon and her beautiful new baby girl, and out to see Susan in Nashville - I need more time, and lots more cash!!!

So the plan is to update this on a regular basis, but this is like the third time I've started - third time's a charm! ;-)


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